Bradfield Church & Wortley Hall - Kim & Dean

Posted on 22nd October 2014 by Mark Tierney

I think it's fair to say that every bride's journey from her home to her marriage, contains at least a small amount of trepidation. She's about to be the focus of all her friends and family as she makes the way up the aisle and utters one of the most important declarations of her life. Who wouldn't be nervous? Teacher Kim, however, was lucky enough to have an additional boost to her already high spirits on the way to the wedding. As the car pulled up outside Bradfield Church near Sheffield, there, ready to greet her with bottles of bubbles was her entire class of schoolchildren! Their smiley faces were a brilliant tonic for any nerves.

Even with this unorthodox beginning, Dean and Kim's big day was everything you ever wanted a wedding to be. There were acres of tulle, dapper morning suits and an extremely dashing couple tying the knot in a rustic church with an extraordinary view of the countryside below. And the reception was just as impressive! Wortley Hall is the very picture of elegant sophistication, with its landscaped gardens and the beautiful sounds of a string duet greeting the guests on arrival. The only thing missing from the day was the sun! The couple were good sports though. They allowed me to lead them through the wet fields in the rain, past damp hedgerows and a whole flock of ducks and geese, who were clearly enjoying the weather.

After the meal a superb “Awwww!” moment occurred. Dean was toasting his new bride with a very moving speech, when the newly-weds suddenly both welled up. It was an emotional moment and I'd wager there wasn't a dry eye in the house after that. To end the day the girls put on moustaches, the men danced with one another and the children headed for the sweet station.

Kim and Dean's wedding had everything, rain, tears, there was laughter and right at the heart of it all there was a couple who not only threw some fancy moves on the dance floor, but looked in every way as if they belonged together!

Tagged under: wortley hall, rainy wedding, bradfield church, live wedding band


About the author: Mark Tierney

Mark Tierney is a Yorkshire based Contemporary Wedding Photographer covering the UK and beyond.
